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How Schools Can Be Involved in Tree Care and Maintenance Projects

Tree care tree planting

Involving schools in tree care and maintenance projects offers numerous educational, environmental, and community benefits. These initiatives not only beautify school grounds but also foster a deeper understanding of environmental stewardship among students. By participating in these projects, schools create lasting environmental impacts and enrich the educational experience. Here are key ways schools can engage […]

Preparing Your Trees for Larger Storm Risks

Larger Storm Risks

As climate change affects weather patterns, homeowners are seeing more extreme weather events, including bigger and more intense storms. Bigger storms can be a real threat to your trees, causing branches to fall, trees to uproot and property damage. Preparing your trees for storm risk is not only good for your landscape but also your […]

How Does Drought Affect Trees?

Drought affecting Trees

Drought affecting trees is a growing concern as climate change continues to affect weather patterns worldwide. Trees, like all living organisms, depend on water for their survival. When faced with prolonged periods of drought, trees can experience significant stress, leading to a range of negative effects. Understanding how drought impacts trees is essential for homeowners, […]

Best Tree Care Practices from Arborists: New Measures to Help Your Garden Survive Extreme Heat from Global Warming

Understanding the Impact of Global Warming Rising temperatures and prolonged heat waves stress trees, affecting their health and growth. Trees need additional care to withstand these conditions and continue to thrive. Best Tree Care Practices Benefits of Proper Tree Care Implementing these tree care practices helps trees withstand the challenges posed by global warming. Healthy […]

How Does Regular Watering and Mulching Benefit Trees During Prolonged Heat Waves?

The Importance of Regular Watering Watering trees deeply and consistently is crucial for their health and longevity. Ensuring that moisture reaches the root zone, where it is most needed, helps maintain optimal hydration levels and supports overall tree health. Proper watering practices can significantly reduce the risk of drought stress and enhance the tree’s ability […]

Secrets To Improving Over-Saturated Soil

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Spring is on its way! In other words, it means blooming flowers, fresh grass, and scented air. One of the most welcoming attributes of spring is the rain. While it benefits the plants, it might be less advantageous to the soil in the garden. It makes plants difficult to grow and harvest because rain has […]

Everything You Should Know About BC Power Outage Tree Hazard

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You are liable as an owner of the property for maintaining the service cables on your land, clear of trees and vegetation. Inspect your surrounding area before you begin the process of tree plantation. You need to be very careful when you do your own tree pruning. In most cases, there might be power sources […]

How to Take Better Care of Your Trees This Year

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Trees are by far the most important and valuable components of our ecosystem. They shadow our dwellings and neighborhoods, reducing the cost of electricity. They raise land values, minimize air emissions and soil degradation, as well as provide wildlife habitat. Plus, they bring charm and a soothing aura to our ordinary routine. These are just […]

Why Replanting Is Imperative Post Tree Removal

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When a plant or tree has been cut down, it’s a smart idea to plant new as soon as possible. There are several justifications for this. It is definitely not a simple task to perform, since there are a lot of different factors involved. The ground from where the tree was cut turns into a […]