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Everything You Should Know About Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival

Maybe for some people, Cherry Blossom trees that bloom in Vancouver are not the only attraction to the city, but for a significant majority, yes, it is. Indeed, these cute pink color trees, when bloom at their full, make the city looks like it is covered with pink and white clouds, giving it a mesmerizing beauty. People love to capture these beautiful sights to enjoy the beauty of things forever.

If you are a city dweller, you must be fortunate to witness this beauty every spring. However, for the outsiders, the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival is certainly a festival worth attending. Therefore, whenever the winter is about to end, you should pack your stuff and visit Vancouver to behold this lovely sight of trees bearing white and pink flowers to welcome ‘the Spring.

When One Should Visit To Attend The Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival?

As soon as the dryness of winter begins to fade away, the Cherry Blossom trees of Vancouver start getting rid of their dull appearance. And by the start of February, flowers begin to bloom. You can see the trees wearing a pink blanket between February to May. However, if one wants to witness and enjoy the Cherry Blossom Festival when it’s at its peak, they should visit the city between the end of May to mid-April. During this period, the festival is in full swing, and you can enjoy various other activities rather than just beholding the sight of trees loaded with pink beauties. Though these Cherry Blossom trees are the center of attention at the festival, it’s not the only part of the celebration. In fact, the festival provides you an opportunity to seek the pleasure of other leisure activities as well.

How The Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Is Celebrated?

In Vancouver, you will find all the essential services at one stop; The Aesthetic Tree and Hedge Service. This is a one-stop place for all your tree care needs. Professionally trained arborists will provide an unmatched service for your tree. At this Since the festival is arranged to celebrate and welcome Spring, there are activities that help bring people closer. From art classes to bike rides, various fun and interactive activities are available. Tree Talks and Walks is also a part of this celebration, along with other activities.

Where Can You See The Cherry Blossom Trees?

Whether you believe it or not, approximately 40,000 Cherry Blossom trees are present in Vancouver, which bear flowers whenever Spring comes. Though these trees are lining all around the city, there are a few places you can get good photographs without any problem.

We are mentioning the name of the top 10 best locations for you:

  1. Queen Elizabeth Park
  2. VanDusen Botanical Garden
  3. Stanley Park
  4. Nitobe Memorial Garden
  5. Kitsilano Neighborhood
  6. Vanier Park
  7. Vancouver City Hall
  8. Downtown Vancouver
  9. Granville Island
  10. Garry Point Mark

All these are the best and topmost visiting places by the visitors who are particularly interested in showing up only during the festival and full bloom of Cherry Blossom.


When the Cherry Blossom trees begin to turn pink, it’s a sign that old, tough days have finally ended, and now it’s the time to look forward to the new beginnings.

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